Limit Orders via Paraswap

AAVE uses Paraswap to “Switch” between tokens today, but there is no capability to specify the price point.

Potential Solution
Paraswap has already developed a Limit Order capability.

Could AAVE easily integrate Limit Orders into our Switches? Perhaps include an additional approval if there is additional smart contract risk.

Use Case

  1. User has an active lend position and a borrow position.
  2. User wants to lend a different token instead without closing their borrow position, and without having to monitor their position to get a good price.
  3. User creates a Limit Order / Switch so they swap tokens at or near their preferred price.

User is lending USDC and expects the price of WBTC to decrease, so user creates a Limit Order to purchase WBTC when it dips below the price set by the user.