Question relating Delegates with large voting power on Tally

When checking the delegate leaderboard on Tally there are roughly 30 delegates with more tokens delegated than ACI. These delegates also never seem to engage in any porposals votings. Are they a risk for the DAO as they hold signifficant amounts of AAVE in respect to the required quorums?

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I think Tally <> AAVE is not really maintained.

Their “delegates” page seems to be a list of “biggest token holders”, which is a bit to naive to be useful.

Top 10 contain:

  • stkAAVE
  • ecosystem reserve
  • BPT
  • aAAVE
  • BPTv2
  • some cex wallets

Most of these contracts/wallets could not even vote if they wanted to.

I think the balances shown on their ui are also incorrect (probably some adaptations for governance v3 missing).


Thank you for clarifying! That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for also mentioning to where the contracts/wallets belong :slight_smile:

Tally data isn’t correct as already mentioned by @sakulstra. They still only show governance v2 contracts and data although we are now for quite a while on v3. They only update if the DAO would pay. But I don’t think we need this.