[TEMP CHECK] TokenLogic Proposal

It’s clear TokenLogic’s contributions and commitment to Aave so far.

The team has diverse perspectives and would add value by becoming a Service Provider but I wonder if this current proposal is the proper construct – there feels opportunity for improvement.

It feels a little too much like Llama 2.0…

I echo @0xkeyrock.eth’s sentiment shared above the scope is too broad.

In particular, we would be more supportive if Treasury Management and Financial Reporting was omitted from this scope. We believe there are stronger teams with more relevant experience.

Quickly the “cost-conscious” DAO’s expenses are ballooning in August:

Chaos 400k
BGD 2.2mm
Sigma Prime 162k
TokenLogic 350k

It seems worth slowing this down, better evaluating alternative proposals (and RFPs @benhoneill), and encouraging more specialization – especially while Llama has a month left to execute its scope.