Areta Delegate Platform

[TEMP CHECK] GHO Cross-Chain Rollout Plan - First Network

Vote Result: Arbitrum


The two protocols that make the most sense to deploy on, given the feedback from TokenLogic and Chaos Labs, are Avalanche and Arbitrum. The incentives on Avalanche are high, but it is crucial for Aave to access the largest DeFi ecosystem, which is Arbitrum. This is made simpler by the fact that Aave Protocol Embassy (APE) applied for the 750k LTIPP grant from Arbitrum to enable expansion of GHO on the protocol.

Being intimately involved in the Arbitrum ecosystem ourselves, we have seen the potential for GHO to grow on Arbitrum and obtain incentives via grant programs. Lastly, Arbitrum has a well-developed DeFi ecosystem which would increase GHO utility more than the other chains through the integrations it offers.

Therefore, we will vote in favour of Arbitrum as the first chain for the GHO cross-chain rollout.