BGD. Rescue Mission Phase 2&3


Present to the community the next (and final) steps regarding the “rescue mission” of tokens sent by mistake to smart contracts of the Aave ecosystem.


As described HERE, an item part of the Aave <> BGD engagement was to support users of the Aave ecosystem who sent by mistake tokens to the wrong smart contract addresses.

Holistically, this is a pretty extensive procedure, as it requires interacting with the majority of all smart contracts of Aave, via on-chain governance proposals.

Initially, we planned this “rescue mission” in 3 separate phases, each one of them described in the original post. Phase 1 (arguably the most complex and including the whole setup work) has been completed time ago, so only 2 and 3 were pending.

After evaluating all interactions required for these 2 phases, we decided to group them together in a single proposal.

Rescue Mission Phase 2&3

Scope of rescue

The tokens rescued in this final phase are the following:

  • Tokens locked on Aave v1 Ethereum contracts.
  • Tokens locked on Aave v2 (all networks) and Aave v2 AMM Ethereum contracts.
  • Tokens locked on Aave v3.
  • Only tokens with > $1’000 aggregated value are included, to not create more operational overhead on small amounts.

We have made a snapshot of all the user addresses, assets, and amounts eligible for rescue in this rescue phase.

We recommend everybody with funds locked (on the current scope) verify their address is present on the following documents, by just searching (Ctrl+f) their address:

or in the following dropdown:

List of claims per token

“0xd7D0882C9DFAa3610fee727FB2730c0302784127”: {
“V2_ETH_A_RAI”: “1481.16074087007480402 ethereum_v2_arai”
“0xaE697D26582aFb0c3503e214aA2F116D9f44a7c9”: {
“V1_ETH_A_BTC”: “1.92454215 ethereum_v1_awbtc”
“0x4556FE954B637BBb3F76b0C740248c23d832dA14”: {
“ETH_USDT”: “1010 ethereum_usdt”
“0x56DAa3C5f21C6b120d01428c513665a231CBfD57”: {
“ETH_USDT”: “600.057405 ethereum_usdt”
“0x5c9898D393f02d0C6c7332d42a94cfC4dF3D5100”: {
“ETH_USDT”: “20000 ethereum_usdt”
“0xd806826c605AAd41f243a94dDcA892Fd1526cfc7”: {
“ETH_USDT”: “10000 ethereum_usdt”
“0xEbA0C6DBE865F8e2ddC7FD26dAa395f822F23322”: {
“ETH_DAI”: “22000 ethereum_dai”
“0xaE261e8debc5f60F1560bf2CEC94e08aEE6934eb”: {
“ETH_GUSD”: “14881.06 ethereum_gusd”
“0xdACaa3F1f9F9CFC211F987D8F7E9E53691A4880a”: {
“ETH_GUSD”: “5113.8 ethereum_gusd”
“0x47Bf1B7934f4446B91a99D8BD79fC8c002E5360d”: {
“ETH_LINK”: “4084 ethereum_link”
“0x42CEb793F7Aa094b3Cd4B63C40D1E0af60c5BCBd”: {
“ETH_USDC”: “1 ethereum_usdc”
“0x4baD9Ef5a8011Dd5592b82B4DcB99E0C7cbcc145”: {
“ETH_USDC”: “1010.528332 ethereum_usdc”
“0xECeA185f14DeEaA708C9BE8Bf45B1798eb0B1938”: {
“ETH_USDC”: “78.361385 ethereum_usdc”
“0x58aAdb7fBf9Fb62e6A6462190B38B4eF95234F58”: {
“POL_WBTC”: “0.22994977 polygon_wbtc”
“0x517ed7f999806C767FcCF0f31dbF54dfe010977B”: {
“V2_POL_A_DAI”: “0.0001429561 polygon_v2_adai”
“0x6a93611Bcc572a67e60249C1D9F8F5F85ad50949”: {
“V2_POL_A_DAI”: “4220.580125141545600939 polygon_v2_adai”
“0xa1e29A54467debA55dbf27f8850bDE11466aB38E”: {
“V2_POL_A_DAI”: “30 polygon_v2_adai”
“0x1b63a8588eC051F84D99204F739ec4DCfd8E052E”: {
“V2_POL_A_USDC”: “97.869675 polygon_v2_ausdc”
“0x2222222229b89C7844F19ef503C4dC503Be47F84”: {
“V2_POL_A_USDC”: “0.000556 polygon_v2_ausdc”
“0x32622Cb41c18F2a9e63F205FF11d99620D654ebD”: {
“V2_POL_A_USDC”: “0.474647 polygon_v2_ausdc”
“0x72fbF878C35758e5629E0be3C26247402A3Cf681”: {
“V2_POL_A_USDC”: “0.000006 polygon_v2_ausdc”
“0xE01f36Eacd69414Cf187715Ebc46720f96E8103E”: {
“V2_POL_A_USDC”: “514033.033134 polygon_v2_ausdc”
“0x2E5EbbDeb2773b3632069068B044C5B116AC1936”: {
“POL_USDC”: “14.106892 polygon_usdc”
“0x4719b1FFF4499F41A14Bc098Cc440fba6E6a9Cd3”: {
“POL_USDC”: “2000 polygon_usdc”
“0x6139D4bbbf5c1280aF1EAA2BBD2Ffaae28E9033E”: {
“POL_USDC”: “0.136057 polygon_usdc”
“0x77B34173A36b01822B4Db9432C6511d11B01852D”: {
“POL_USDC”: “2500 polygon_usdc”
“0xe7d0977990B81cf52417D7964C8EB86e2793f8e7”: {
“POL_USDC”: “1 polygon_usdc”,
“AVA_USDC_E”: “1 avalanche_usdc.e”
“0x1f8b517e8E3CbB26125416a958Dbb44C7A5387d4”: {
“AVA_USDT_E”: “1772.206585 avalanche_usdt.e”
“0x358Dbc0B83186591F3202400ffCD70c14C1FF9aE”: {
“AVA_USDC_E”: “2521.408895 avalanche_usdc.e”
“0x3c82976E756E8280Ddb7AB9529E2063Ec1bBF90b”: {
“OPT_USDC”: “44428.421035 optimism_usdc”

Execution/next steps

Different from Phase 1, this Phase 2&3 will only require one governance proposal on Level 1 Executor (Short), given that all contracts affected are controlled by said Executor.

During the following days, once all the reviews are finished, we will submit a governance proposal with 3 payloads: 1 per network (Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism), containing the logic to release the locked tokens on Aave to the Rescue Mission smart contract.

The payloads will also register the so-called “distributions” on the Rescue Mission contract, this way enabling anybody to do transactions to claim their funds from it.

Once/if the community approves the proposal, everybody eligible will be able to claim the locked tokens by interacting with the Rescue Mission smart contract, or via the utility interface available on


Thanks for the update. Is the criteria to limit rescues for tokens with > $1,000 aggregated value permanent or only for the current scope?

On the current scope, but in the future, it could be possible.

The rationale of the limitation is that a rescue mission implies:

  • Operational cost (time and resources).
  • Deployment cost of contracts that need to be upgraded.
  • Misc gas cost on proposal execution.

So for a matter of efficiency, amounts locked should be a consideration, and we think the threshold should be discretional on what we think is reasonable, as we understand the cost implications.

But again, technically there is no limitation in the future to rescue any amount.

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Thank you for responding and for. doing this!

Do you have an estimate of when the government proposal will be submitted?

I sent USDC.e to Aave: Lending Pool 2. Will be in this phase i will be able to get it back?

I would recommend reading the scope of this rescue phase. If you match any of the mentioned points you should be fine. Wish you luck

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USDC.e tokens sent mistakenly to the Avalanche V2 Pool are included in the scope. You can verify your address on the dropdown attached above (List of claims per token)

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Does anyone know when the recovery process will start?

Thanks for your return. Should my address be on the list ? Or should iI do someting ?

Help me guys, i am really desperate.


Thank you for your patience, your address is included for the rescue. No need to do anything for now, once the proposal is up and executed you can claim your tokens from here

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Thank you very much!!

Kind Regards

Could you please provide an update on the status of the proposal and the progress on the reviews?

Hello @godof2dwar . The governance proposal to execute Rescue Mission Phase 2&3 will be submitted on Monday 18th.

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We have published governance proposal 324, for the community to approve the execution of Rescue Mission Phase 2&3.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours and last for 3 days. Participate :ghost:

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I noticed the proposal passed, is it safe to try and claim the tokens? Btw the addresses in the list arent showing anything to claim in the wallet checker.

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@godof2dwar Although the proposal has passed and the payload on ethereum has been executed, the payload on other l2’s will be executed tomorrow, so will advise to wait until that :)


We can confirm proposal 324 has been executed on Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism, with only Avalanche pending (this component will be executed via Guardian in the following days).

For anybody with funds eligible on the first 3 networks, it is possible to claim them on

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Still, I cannot claim my funds from v2 aDAI Polygon Contract.
(I checked my wallet eligibility)
Is there any other way or should I hold my horses?

Best regards

Hello @fernir , it should be possible now.
For support queries, we recommend contacting via the #bgd-rescue-mission channel on the Aave Discord, in order to not pollute this governance forum thread.