Grant Recipient Project Intro: InstaFi

Hello members of the Aave community, excited to share our one stop-shop DeFi platform InstaFi! We are incredibly appreciative / humbled by the support we received from the Grants comittee, DAO and community in our journey and couldn’t have done it without you.

About the Project
InstaFi is a one-stop-shop DeFi aggregator focused on heavy DeFi degens, whales & institutions that aims to the streamline the fragmented DeFi user experience into a single unifying interface. Especially for multi-protocol, multi-step transactions (ie looping stETH on Aave) can be quite cumbersome to execute switching between different tabs - with InstaFi, all your transaction steps can be done in one app.

We also offer APY data so users can easily navigate between different yield opportunities, filtering by token, protocol, blockhain etc. & identify what farm is best for them.

Compare USDC lending rates across protocols & chains

With the core infrastructure built - we’ll be releasing complementary features to further improve the DeFi experience and drive more utilization of Aave:
-Zaps (multi-step txns in 1 click)
-Aave borrowing integration
-Automated yield-farming
-Automated borrow refinancing

We’d love to get the Aave community to check it out and any feedback is always appreciated! Here are our links below:





We haven’t launched publically yet so please stay tuned for updates for our twitter & discord!

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Hi, can you provide a link to the discord? thanks.