[TEMP CHECK] TokenLogic Proposal
Vote Result: YES
A stream that can be cancelled and is flexible enough for Aave to comprehensively define and run an RFP process while being able to, in parallel, continue the work that is currently being done around GHO integrations and treasury management, is beneficial for Aave. Moreover, TokenLogic have already done a lot of work for the DAO and deserve to be compensated for their efforts to date, and for their forthcoming efforts in lieu of a formal RFP process. A couple of concerns are that the stream of 350k for 6 months does seem excessive and the scope is too broad and may stretch the team of 4.5 FTE too much. However, for the moment, the DAO has not defined an RFP process and until it does so, it would be prudent to ensure business as usual by sticking to the status quo while the community defines a comprehensive process in parallel. Therefore, we will vote YES in favour of this proposal.