Blockchain@Columbia Delegate Platform

Delegate Address:



Twitter Handle:@BlockchainatCU


Delegate Handles: @Batman, @Ryusik

External Website:

Core Values

  • Further educate Blockchain@Columbia about DeFi Governance
  • Support the growth of cornerstone protocols
  • Establish dynamic exchanges between innovatives protocols and their teams

Delegate Statement

Blockchain@Columbia is Columbia University’s premier non-profit blockchain organization focusing on educating and empowering crypto builders, researchers, and creators.

We launched the first student group DAO, Lion DAO, in 2021. Some DAO activities include a grants program which encourages Web-3 research. Our annual conference, Ledgerfest, focused on crypto and web3 founders from Arbitrum, Polygon, Cosmos, Drift, Audius, and more! We host weekly speakers like Aave’s Founder Stani, Nansen’s Founder Alex, and we host weekly technical blockchain and development workshops.

Last spring we organized a 3-day hackathon, Lionhack, for students and other builders in the space to help onboard more people to crypto and incubate new projects in the space. We are strong supporters of innovative Defi projects, and we are big believers in Aave. Given our experience in our own DAO’s governance as well as in Uniswap, Compound, and dYdX, we believe that we are strongly equipped to act as a neutral and effective governance delegate for the Aave community.

Other governance initiatives involve:

  • Drafting new proposals when appropriate
  • Putting out tweet threads on active proposals
  • Building relations with partnering protocols.
  • Hosting speaker events.

As a university blockchain organization, we believe governance forums are one of the best ways to foster active learning in web-3.

Delegate Introductions:


I am currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Columbia University. I have been actively trading and was involved in the space since 2017 and my experiences include working with CEX in Korea. My interest in DeFi and DAOs has led me to seek governance opportunities, and I am grateful to participate and contribute to Aave in that capacity. As a member of Blockchain@Columbia I hope to bring valuable insights and make a meaningful contribution to Aave through governance.


My name is Taha, I’m a graduate student at Columbia studying data science. Before coming to Columbia I worked in a strategy function at Google. My core role was to help senior leaders across Google’s Ads business determine strategic goals, implement strategies to achieve those goals, and measure the success of those strategies.

I left Google in 2022 for Columbia to explore my passions more openly and not have the pressure of a 9-to-5. Those passions primarily included data science and crypto. I’ve been following the crypto industry since 2016-17. I have a good understanding of several protocols - Aave, Compound, Uniswap, Chainlink. In terms of crypto experience I have hands-on experience using Abracadabra, Compound, Curve, and Uniswap. I self custody my assets, so I have a sense of how wallets and tokens operate from a user perspective and of the pain points from that user perspective.

I’m currently writing my thesis on the Ethereum network. I’m focusing on understanding communities and community behavior on-chain by using various clustering techniques to find ways of grouping addresses and then understanding how those communities are structurally different. You can find a Dune Dashboard for my thesis here (Eth Tx). The actual network analysis is done in python and is a WIP.

I’m excited to get some hands-on experience with governance and generally start connecting with a crypto-curious community.


Supply and Borrow Cap Updates - Aave V3 Avalanche
Supporting the general recommended parameter changes through work done by Gauntlet and Chaos Labs.
In favour of the aggressive recommendations for the proposed changes in BTC.b and wBTC.e borrow caps. Considering that the supply is frozen for BTC.b under both options, we’re in favour of the aggressive approach given overall liquidity.