StableLab Delegate Platform

Risk Parameter Updates for Aave v2 Polygon

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We voted yes to this Risk Parameter because of the need to constantly iterate on risk parameters, in this case, this involves freezing GHST, BAL, and SUSHI.

Aave StarkNet Phase I - Aave <> StarkNet Bridge deployment/activation by Aave governance

Vote: Yes

Rationale: As a contribution to Aave’s Multi-Chain Strategy, we are glad to support this proposal to deploy Aave V2 Ethereum aTokens on StarkNet.

[ARC] Add Support for OHM

Vote: No

Rationale: OHM’s status as an algorithmic stablecoin creates a difficult situation for listing on Aave, in line with the Aave’s community’s current risk appetite and current market conditions, we cannot support this proposal, an alternative approach could be resubmitting this proposal with a specific request of being listed on Aave V3 in Isolation Mode.

[ARFC] Aave DAO Policy Change: Halt Listings on all Aave v1 & v2 Non-Permissioned Deployments

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We support this proposal because we believe this is a timely and important proposal, this is the right time to start pushing for Aave V3 adoption, and we would be glad to support this proposal.

Set LDO, stMATIC, MaticX, and SD Emission_Admin for Polygon v3 Liquidity Pool

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We support the distribution of rewards to the Polygon Liquidity Pool, and we hope that this will incentivize further deposits.

V3 Borrow Cap Recommendations (Fast-track)

Vote: Yes

Rationale: This is a fast-tracked parameter proposal and we are glad to support this iteration for 7 uncapped assets and amend borrow caps for 9 assets on 4 chains.

Freeze Aave V1

Vote: Yes

Rationale: At StableNode we believe in lean governance, therefore in order to reduce the additional overhead on Aave, we voted to wind down V1

Risk Parameter Updates for Aave v2 Ethereum (USDC LT and LTV)

Vote: Option 2

Rationale: We are glad to support to this risk parameter update by Chaos Labs for the Liquidity Threshold and Loan to Value ratio for USDC on Aave V2 Ethereum.

Risk Parameter Updates for Aave v2 Ethereum (DAI LT and LTV)

Vote: Option 2

Rationale: We are glad to support this risk parameter update by Chaos Labs for the Liquidity Threshold and Loan to Value ratio for DAI on Aave V2 Ethereum.

Risk Parameter Updates for Aave v2 Ethereum - LTs and LTVs for Long Tail Assets

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We gladly support adjusting the 8 risk parameters of $MKR, $CRV, $SNX, and $ENS. This parameter update will significantly reduce liquidations in these assets by 3%.

[ARFC] Receipt of Gauntlet Insolvency Fund

Vote: Yes

Rationale: In response to the CRV bad debt, we support transferring the Gauntlet Insolvency Fund to Aave.

[ARFC] Repay Excess CRV Debt on Ethereum v2

Vote: Use USDC to acquire CRV

Rationale: This is an important vote that would kickstart the process of repaying the excess debt in CRV reserve on the Ethereum V2 liquidity pool. aCRV is a strategic holding that should not be used to repay this debt, for this reason, we support using 100% USDC to acquire CRV.

[ARFC] Ethereum v2 Collector Contract Consolidation

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We support this vote that proposes consolidating the Aave v2 Collector Contract holdings by selling long tail assets to USDC to redeem assets from the AMM deployment. This is a key step in paying the CRV bad debt, so we would support this.