[TEMP CHECK] Polygon Alignment with $POL purchase

Author: @dual_singularity

Date: 2024-01-05


This TEMP CHECK proposes to normalise relations with the Polygon community with an OTC between Aave DAO and Polygon via an purchase of 3_500_000 $POL tokens with 5_000 $AAVE from the Aave Treasury.


During the recent events, especially the Pre-PIP: Polygon PoS Bridge Liquidity Program proposal, the relations between the Aave and Polygon community drifted apart.
There were a lot of heated debates around the proposal and quite a lot of tribalism which is really sad to see, but all in all it had a positive outcome for the users and the proposal was rejected.

As a result of the theatrics, the community split into two sides arguing about their point of view. ACI having previous bad experiences and trauma, reacted aggressively which seemed reasonable to protect AAVE but the way it was communicated was a bit strong which intensified the situation. There were a lot of strong comments from the Polygon leadership too which was profoundly disheartening.

Times like these, we should do an instrospection on why are we here? what are we fighting against? We didn’t come this far only to fight among ourselfs, we’re still very early in this revolution and we have a long way to go - WE ARE MUCH BIGGER THAN THIS!

It does not matter if Polygon makes a small part of Aave’s revenue, Polygon has supported Aave since a very long time and so has Aave. We have a saying “No Ghosts Left Behind” and we should not leave Polygon behind.

I’m just an Aave holder which respects both the Aave and Polygon communities and the work they do. I don’t have a hidden business agenda or something but just wish from the bottom of my heart that we leave the past behind and move on as there are no winners in this, only losers.
The broken bridges can’t be fixed overnight, this proposal is just a small gesture from Aave side to normalize the relation.


The exact specifications and the token amounts could be discussed and reevaluated at a later stage after the TEMP CHECK passes.

Next Steps

  1. Collection of community feedback during the TEMP CHECK phase.
  2. If feedback is positive, proceed with the ARFC, Snapshot vote and then an AIP.


Copyright and related rights waived under CC0


Nah, we’re not here to suck Polygons toes. They made a mistake, they have to deal with the reputable consequences.


Hi and congratulations on your first TEMP CHECK.
Now I basically only have one question…
Whats the benefit of buying POL?


Losing money is the only benefit


Hey there. Roc Zacharias here. Co-Founder of QuickSwap, and long time Aave and Polygon user and supporter. I just want to say thank you for the sentiment of the above Temp Check.

Separate from whether I agree with the idea from OP, I just want to say that I am also deeply saddened by the fighting amongst some Aave and Polygon team members. Polygon and Aave were such instrumental partners in the growth of Ethereum and Eth L2/Sidechain landscape that has led to all of the amazing innovation happening today.

I hope we can find a way to put this behind us, and help each other to grow stronger once again.


While strongly against this proposal ACI job is to provide universal Skyward service support to anyone regardless of our opinion.

This proposal is standard (except lacking a Disclaimer section & wrong next steps section) and have been posted 11 days ago with some feedback,

We will escalate it to TEMP CHECK snapshot stage.


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