Karpatkey Delegate Platform

Voting Actions 2024 - January 22nd – January 26th

Proposal: [ARFC] AMPL Interest Rate Updates on V2 Ethereum
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We support this proposal, as the issue on the aAMPL implementation is not in the hands of the BGD Labs. However, reducing the interest will help reduce the problem’s growth rate and not solve it. We should be attentive and keep pushing for a solution from the AMPL team.

Proposal: [ARFC] Introducing “Frontier” - Staking as a Service for the Aave DAO
Note: YAE
Reasoning: This proposal is a good movement towards securing ETH mainnet decentralisation while providing extra revenue for Aave DAO. The requested amount for this trial (32 Stader mini pools of 4 ETH) is reasonable and will give us a good sense of how the performance will be.

Proposal: [ARFC] Add PYUSD to Aave v3 Ethereum Market
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We voted the same way as on the TEMPCHECK, and you can check the reasoning here

Proposal: [ARFC] Gauntlet USDC.e Supply and Borrow Cap Recommendation on Optimism Aave v3
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We support this proposal as it makes sense to increase the caps to reduce the Utilisation Rate at the Optimism V3 market temporarily. As there is no set date for the deprecation of the USDC.e on this chain, we should have some room to manage the market cap there.

Proposal: [ARFC] Recommendation to freeze and set LTV to 0 for DPI on Aave v3 Polygon
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We agree with the freeze on this asset, as there is no interest from the market participants (namely borrowers) to interact with this asset on our platform. The asset is available for a long period without relevant utilisation.

Proposal: [ARFC] Recommendation to freeze and set LTV to 0 for BAL on Aave v3 Polygon
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We agree with the freeze on this asset, as there is no interest from the market participants (namely borrowers) to interact with this asset on our platform. The asset is available for a long period without relevant utilisation.

Proposal: [ARFC] Recommendation to freeze and set LTV to 0 for CRV on Aave v3 Polygon
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We agree with the freeze on this asset, as there is no interest from the market participants (namely borrowers) to interact with this asset on our platform. The asset is available for a long period without relevant utilisation.

Proposal: [ARFC] Recommendation to freeze and set LTV to 0 for SUSHI on Aave v3 Polygon
Note: YAE
Reasoning: We agree with the freeze on this asset, as there is no interest from the market participants (namely borrowers) to interact with this asset on our platform. The asset is available for a long period without relevant utilisation.

Proposal: StkGHO Activation
Note: YAE
Reasoning: The reasoning remains the same of the ARFC phase.

Proposal: GHO Stability Module
Note: YAE
Reasoning: The reasoning remains the same of the ARFC phase.