Security Incident on Aave - NEED HELP

Hey Aave Team - Not sure if anyone can help here but I was recently compromised from what I believe was a fake airdrop. To be specific the that were stolen were my BTC tokens that were deposited in Aave. This is the confirmed transaction that took place but wanted to see anyone in the public knew of anything that could be done to revert this. I know this is a long shot but wanted to see if there is anyone that could help.

Transaction: Transaction Details - Snowtrace

Token that was sent: aWBTC V3 Token (aAvaWBTC)

My Wallet Address: Address 0x08a56B7578C1ec0D85D4B62A2554BB5d1F35AB24 Details - Snowtrace
Sent to: Address 0xD648b2a801cff119954154412E88bc53593Fd557 Details - Snowtrace

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unfortunately no one can do anything for you.
You probably signed some phishing message.

Be careful and always check what websites you are using. I also recommend using Rabby wallet, as it will simulate your transaction to see what will happen.

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