ETH will kill AAVE

Fees are ridiculously high. Aave cannot be attractive under these conditions. Is it possible to consider abandoning ETH for Binance Smart Chain?

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I’d rather see L2 efforts continued. Aave is a heavyweight that could lead the way for other protocols in this area.

BSC is ridiculously centralized while pretending not to be. That cheap gas comes with delayed hidden cost, like “free” Google and Facebook services came with delayed hidden cost. Rent extraction will eventually start and when it happens - it will hit hard.

I’m not against non-Ethereum chains, but for Aave to abandon Ethereum and for what, BSC? I don’t think CZ has that kind of money.


God please not BSC ))))
Its so obvious, about future of this chain… I totally agree with @haave about delayed hidden cost thing…


That the type of idea I wish would stay on Twitter no offense.

No sir we won’t switch chains.
