My 4500X stkaave was stolen by hackers

Hi guys,My AAVE happened to be stolen! I need a help, my 4500X AAVE STK was transferred by someone in the mining pool

I can’t understand how he did it, he also transferred my 0.2ETH at the time of the pass , but in the AAVE mining pool , he needs 10 days to unlock the mining, I only added AAVE ICO in 2017.
This is my debank wallet history

I hope the community team can freeze the transaction funds. Now there is a 10 day cooling time or the community votes. I can provide any evidence. If I can freeze or recover the money, I am willing to donate all the money to the AAVE community. I hope the administrator can help me.

Hello everyone, I am an AAVE ICO supporter, I have supported AAVE for more than 5 years, when AAVE was still lend , but this morning a very bad thing happened, my AAVE STK’s were stolen by someone else, I don’t know how they did it , but I did have my AAVE STK’s transferred by a strange person. Maybe it’s the latest vulnerability of AAVE? I checked my metamask and there is no record of my transactions in it, which is very strange.

This was a gift from the AAVE community in 2021, because I remember I was one of the top 100 AAVE users.

I have a twitter account, I have supported AAVE for 5 years, here is the record Please search about lend or AAVE Here is my history about AAVE, I have made a great contribution to the AAVE community in China:

This is the evidence of my participation in ICO

But something very bad happened yesterday, my AAVE wallet was suddenly transferred by a stranger! I don’t understand.
my metamask Evidence :

I found no transaction records or transfer bar records on my computer
I don’t understand how he did it?!!

I didn’t do anything, this stranger transferred 4500X AAVE STk +0.2 ETH that I was mining pooling, he didn’t understand that I still had some BTC and ETH in my uniswap, I found this out about 13 hours later! And transferred to my binance coin wallet .

I would like the AAVE community to help me, I would like to freeze this stranger’s wallet and donate it all to the AAVE community if they can, I am one of the AAVE builders and would like the community to vote to permanently block my 4500X AAVE STK if possible

Your account signed the transaction. Looks like your keys were compromised. I would talk to your insurance agency if you have identity theft coverage, but beyond that, you’re outta luck. My deepest condolences


I would like to know how to contact the administrator

all transactions have been made by your wallet. So this means you have been hacked somehow, maybe a keylogger or you used a compromised SM or website.
But what i can see here (Etherscan Error Page) is, that the hacker is straight sending your funds to Binance. And he was sending large amounts like 50ETH or 11BTC. The only thing you can do now is contact Binance asap and try to get in touch with them. They must have the KYC data from this person and thats how you can find out who hacked you. I would be as fast as possible, because the hacker will probably do the same with your Aave after the cooldown period.

The only other thing you can do is set up a correct thread for a snapshot vote in order to get people to vote for you to freeze this account by the guardian. But i would rather stick with the binance approach probably. Also dont use that pc anymore where you made your are trading. This pc is compromised and needs a clean and fresh installation.

Also get immediately a hardware wallet!!!

Good luck

Binion’s address is my wallet, hacker he doesn’t know my BTC + ETH at UNISWAP, I transferred my BTC + ETH + NFT, but my 50K$AAVe STK was transferred away by him, so I hope freeze AAVe community can freeze this than transaction,

It’s not gonna happen. You are ultimately responsible for your keys, not the community. What you’re looking for is a centralized system. If you want things to be reversible, then you have to accept the need for centralized control. The price of decentralization is that you are on your own, for better or for worse


First of all this doesn’t happen to you, I can’t believe as you do why this is happening, if it happens to you someday I don’t think you will think so, so I hope the admin freezes the web use of this wallet address at unless he can provide all proof that this money is legitimate.

Yes, decentralization has a cost, you’re just talking out of your ass, I don’t think management would choose to split like ETH + ETC if the AAVE network was destroyed, I’m a supporter and promoter of the community so I think I’m entitled to defend what I’ve done for the community.

You’re conflating the hacking of your account with the hacking of an entire network. The network was not hacked, you were. What happened to you is no different than if someone broke into your house and stole your computer. If that had happened, do you think the community should pay for that?

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Your words are ridiculous, ok, the AAVE network is being attacked and everyone should work together to defend it, if individuals in the AAVE community are being attacked then it’s your personal problem, if I didn’t own AAVE then I wouldn’t care, I would be ridiculous and say that decentralization is great, the point is that I am part of the AAVE community and everyone in the community should work together to unite and protect everyone instead of saying ridiculous crap.

If AAVE = decentralized, then why does he need a community? Is it OK to be like BTC? Why does it need to be maintained? If a member of the community he has full proof that he is a clean user, why shouldn’t everyone in the community come together to protect him? What is the value of the community’s existence? Can you tell me?

I provided enough evidence of my account and where my AAVE came from, but this hacker user did not manage to provide enough evidence of his funds, then he is here to destroy the community, being that the community members are not protected, you go and protect a disgusting hacker and then talk nonsense about “decentralization is great”, are you one of the members of the AAVE community? Saying some crap

Community presence = protecting community members and building a healthy and growing community, I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk some crap here, can you prove your contribution to the AAVE community? How much AAVE do you have and how long have you been promoting AAVE? I don’t think you have because you just know the crap anyone would know about saying decentralization is great.

I only have one question:

if the community exists not to protect the people inside the community, but this ridiculous “network”, then I think the existence of the community is an unnecessary one.

Not talking crap, I offered you my condolences and I meant it. My point is that you probably don’t want to live in a world where, if / when someone becomes the victim of a crime, everyone has to pay for it. If someone burglarized my house and stole my computer, I wouldn’t go asking my neighbors or my business partners to fork over the money that was stolen from me.

Protecting community members from what exactly? Should the AAVE token install an antivirus on all its users computers? Should AAVE invest to protect users from email phishing attacks? It’s not a controversial thing to say that your keys are your responsibility. They are your responsibility – that’s the whole point.

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I take my losses, I lost $500,000 and I’ve been punished

But this hacker stole tokens from AAVE community members, you don’t think he should be restricted or punished? So protect him? Blame a member of AAVE?

Is that a healthy community? Or is it full of dumb people?

I’ve been stressing that members of the community should unite to protect real community members, not to protect a scammer or hacker

Kid, I think you just contacted blockchain, you are brainwashed by a term called decentralization, there are many people here who do not think independently, if you have the opportunity, you should be thinking about what is the real decentralization, do not be brainwashed by these ridiculous liars.

@majestywwwc the DAO can’t do anything in this case even if there was consensus it wanted to.
It’s technically not possible.
The governance process takes time and stkAAVE $99.97 | Staked Aave (stkAAVE) Token Tracker | Etherscan has no “pause” functionality or similar.

Therefore the hacker would always be able to react(e.g. transfer to new address) in advance to any action taken by the DAO.