Thank you for your question, @jengajojo.
We have extensive experience working on numerous web apps in web3 and mobile apps in web2, and have also collaborated on the Status Mobile app with Unstoppable Domains.
The reason for no mobile apps yet fully developed by us in web3 is because of the same reason mentioned in our proposal - that most projects do not yet see the necessity to develop such apps for their users.
We were enthusiastic about developing this app for AAVE users, but were just notified by the AAVE Grants program that our grant application is bit similar to a previously funded one and thus, they will not be proceeding with ours.
It’s possible that they are referencing this grant and are not keen on funding it again, but we did not receive detailed information from them on this.
Thank you for taking the time to read our proposal.
We remain hopeful that we will have the opportunity to work on another project with AAVE in the future!