Title: [ARFC] Add UNI to Ethereum v3
Author: @Llamaxyz - DeFi_Consulting (@matthewgraham), ACI (@MarcZeller) and 3SE
Dated: 2023-02-18
This proposal presents Aave the opportunity to onboard UNI to the Ethereum v3 Liquidity Pool.
The UNI token is the governance token of the Uniswap ecosystem and is a DeFi bluechip. UNI was one of the first governance tokens to be integrated into the Aave ecosystem when it was listed on v1 and was included on Aave v2 when it was launched in December 2020.
This ARFC is a joint effort with ACI and 3SE to allow a selection of v2 listed assets to be onboarded on V3 via the governance process. Subject to a favourable Snapshot vote, Llama will submit an AIP for voting.
Uniswap is a DEX with $4.18B in TVL, second only to Curve Finance with $5.06B, according to Defi Llama’s data. Uniswap is deployed on five networks. UNI provides Aave v2 with $15.86m of TVL. Something to note, it is possible with Aave v3 to delegate Aave’s UNI reserve holding governance influence to an address which can be used for voting on Uniswap proposals.
The risk parameters provided here within are from Gauntlet’s original Aave v3 initial assets listings and configurations forum thread. These parameters are to be revised by Gauntlet and feedback will be incorporated before progressing to a Snapshot vote.
The interest rate provided in the proposal mirrors the v2 deployment with exception of the parameters specific to stable interest rates. The stable rates proposed are the somewhat generic listing rates as stable borrowing is disabled. However, if stable borrowing was enabled, the suggested parameters are suitable and don’t create any undesirable dynamics between stable and variable rates.
We note that this proposal is to be reviewed by Gauntlet, with feedback to be incorporated, prior to progressing to Snapshot.
Ticker: UNI
Contract Address: 0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984
Risk Parameter | Value |
Isolation Mode | YES |
Enable Borrow | YES |
Enable Collateral | YES |
Loan To Value | 65.00% |
Liquidation Threshold | 77.00% |
Liquidation Bonus | 10.00% |
Reserve Factor | 20.00% |
Liquidation Protocol Fee | 10.00% |
Borrow Cap | 500,000 units |
Supply Cap | 2,000,000 units |
Debt Ceiling | $17,000,000 |
Variable Base | 0.00% |
Variable Slope1 | 7.00% |
Variable Slope2 | 300.00% |
Uoptimal | 45.00% |
Stable Borrowing | Disabled |
Stable Slope1 | 13.00% |
Stable Slope2 | 300.00% |
Base Stable Rate Offset | 3.00% |
Stable Rate Excess Offset | 5.00% |
Optimal Stable To Total Debt Ratio | 20.00% |
Note: Stable borrowing is disabled, however parameters are provided in case stable borrowing is enabled at a later date without amending any parameters.
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