Wintermute Delegate Platform

Wintermute Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegation Address Information

Delegate Address: 0xB933AEe47C438f22DE0747D57fc239FE37878Dd1

Delegate ENS Address: wintermutegovernance.eth

Forum Username: Wintermute, Callen_Wintermute




Our Voting Activity: Boardroom

Hi Aave Community!

We are excited to begin supporting Aave at our fullest capacity, offering a unique delegate experience for the community and stakeholders. As a user, stakeholder, and longtime supporter of Aave, we are committed to helping guide the protocol’s decentralization and multi-chain growth.

Specifically, our focus will be on:

  • Ensuring the safe deployment of V3 across multiple chains and subsequent migration from V2, ensuring target chains are net beneficial to the protocol and token holders.
  • Providing input and recommendations surrounding asset listings & protocol parameters.
  • Researching and putting forward proposals to address potential areas of improvement such as governance participation, governance processes, growth, grants, etc.
  • Streaming important votes and proposals and their impact across our institutional and corporate channels.


Wintermute is a leading crypto-native algorithmic trading firm, specializing in creating efficient markets across centralized and decentralized exchanges. Wintermute was founded in July 2017 by three Optiver veterans. Evgeny Gaevoy, founder and CEO, was previously head of ETFs (screen and OTC) at Optiver Europe, one of the largest ETF market-making desks. Since our inception, we have traded over $2.85T and expanded our presence across 80+ (de)centralized exchanges and various (non)EVM chains, continuously supporting and providing liquidity throughout the ecosystem for our partners and their communities.

Alongside our trading arm is Wintermute Ventures, which enables us to support projects where we know we can be true value-adding, develop a partnership and help influence a positive outcome. Importantly, we do not target large ownership stakes; decentralized ownership is an important prerequisite to transitioning to a robust future.

Why us

We believe that a decentralized world needs robust and progressive governance systems. Our goal is to support DAOs along their journey towards such a state through objective, long-term value-add decision-making.

Alongside active governance participation, Wintermute’s goal is to support Aave’s growth in a sustainable and robust manner, providing research when needed and proactively creating proposals to address areas of improvement. We’ll also happily leverage our internal infrastructure from both our trading and venture arms to support the DAO in areas such as simple treasury maintenance, to bespoke cross-chain liquidity management.

Outside of Aave, we’re contributors to dYdX, Index Coop, and 1inch. We intend to expand our presence across many more DAOs in the near future.

Our Core Values:

Long-term value creation over short-term opportunism.

For example, we do not support short-term rent-seeking token distribution programs; or the redistribution of tokens that carry no positive second-order effects.

In contrast, we do support and encourage purpose-driven mechanisms that incentivize positive behaviour and are value-maximizing; or that improve alignment between token holders and the protocol.

Transparency, alignment, and proactivity.

We are proactive in providing clear and consistent reasoning behind our decision-making and proposals, ensuring the protocol’s sustainability is at the heart of all governance discussions.

Objective data-driven decision-making.

We use data and research to ensure our final decision is objectively value-accretive for the protocol.

We look forward to actively contributing to Aave alongside fellow delegates and thank all future delegators who choose to support Wintermute and the greater decentralization of Aave!

Interested in delegating to us? Here’s how:

  1. Head over to Aave - Open Source Liquidity Protocol and connect your wallet
  2. Once connected, click on “Delegate” and a pop-up will appear
  3. Select AAVE/stAAVE as your asset, choose your delegation type and enter our Ethereum address: 0xB933AEe47C438f22DE0747D57fc239FE37878Dd1
  4. Lastly, click delegate!

Want to keep track of live Aave proposals, voting power, and voting activity?

Introducing WinterGov - A delegate’s tool for governance.

WinterGov is a Dune dashboard that allows anyone to keep track of live proposals they have not yet voted for. For delegates, it’s a great tool to make sure they’re not missing votes and therefore, maintaining a high participation rate.

Simply enter your address, click run, and the dashboard will load all live proposals that require voting and tell you how much time you have left.

Click on the proposal ID and you’ll be taken to the voting page.

It’ll also show your current delegated voting power on the RHS.

The dashboard also displays your recent voting activity along with their outcomes, and voting turnout.


You can also track your on-chain voting participation rate from the beginning of the DAO and from when you began voting.

The rolling 6-month on-chain participation rate is useful to track your recent performance and identify DAOs where you need to pay more attention to.

Lastly, you can view a list of your delegators and the amount of voting power they have delegated along with your overall distribution of delegated voting power.

WinterGov currently supports Aave, dYdX, Compound, Uniswap, ENS, and Gitcoin!


30/1/23 - 5/2/23

1. [ARFC] wETH Interest Rate Curve - Ethereum v2

Vote: YAE
Summary: Given the historical utilization rate of wETH, we are in favour of the subtle interest rate curve change. It’s important for Aave to retain and increase its capture of the LSD market share. We believe these changes provide a simple and non-invasive route to achieving this.

2. [ARFC] Add wstETH to Optimism Aave v3

Vote: YAE (without emode)
Summary: wstETH will be a nice addition to Aave on Optimism allowing users to access staking yields with lower transaction costs. We are supportive of the restrictive V3 parameters given the on-chain liquidity, however, we chose to go without enabling emode. We agree that the current market conditions on Optimism and impeding Shanghai upgrade poses potential risks to the protocol.

3. [ARC] Onboard rETH (rocket pool ETH) to Aave V3 ethereum market

Vote: YAE (without emode)
Summary: As signalled in the forum, we believe rETH is a suitable addition to V3 ETH under the recommended risk parameters and provides a solid diversification to other LSD. However, much like our sentiment above, the addition of emode should be considered after the Shanghai upgrade.

4. [ARFC] LDO Emission_Admin for Ethereum, Arbitrum and Optimism v3 Liquidity Pools

Vote: YAE
Summary: Authorizing a trusted 3rd to run exogenous incentives is a win for Aave. We look forward to seeing the results!

1 Like

6/2/23 - 12/2/23

1. [ARFC] Add USDT to Ethereum V3 Market
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of adding USDT to V3 ETH with the defined risk parameters. USDT is a significant market on V2 and its hopeful market migration to V3 will allow for better UX under sufficient risk controls.

2. [ARFC] Add wstETH to Arbitrum Aave v3
Vote: YAE - with Ethereum eMode
Summary: We are supportive of extending Aave’s LSD reach across cheaper fee venues and much like our support for wstETH on Optimism, we believe wstETH on Arbitrum is a great addition.

3. [ARFC] CRV Interest Rate Curve Upgrade
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of Llama’s initiative to reflect the current market demand for CRV and improve the revenue capture by the DAO. We also thank Gauntlet and Chaos Labs for providing parameter recommendations that ensure the protocol remains robust.


13/2/23 - 19/2/23

1. [ARC] Add LUSD to Ethereum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: LUSD is a high-quality asset already listed on V2, to help with migration from V2 to V3 on ETH mainnet it makes sense to list it on V3.

2. [ARFC] increase borrow cap for MAI Aave Polygon V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in favour of supporting the growth of MAI given the sustained demand levels for borrowing activity. The new borrow cap is reasonable and doesn’t seem to pose any outsized risk.

3. [ARC] Onboarding sfrxETH to Aave V3 Ethereum Market
Vote: NAE
Summary: Out of an abundance of caution we have voted against listing sfrxETH due to major centralization and counter-party risk.

Specifically, due to:

  • The frax team running and managing all frxETH validators, as well as the withdrawal keys to the underlying ETH.
  • Unlimited minting permissions

The Frax team has signalled their intention to address these issues post-Shanghai upgrade, we’d feel much more comfortable supporting the addition of sfrxETH then.

4. Supply/Borrow Cap Updates Polygon and Arbitrum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: In support of the proposed supply/borrow caps for assets with high utilization. This will allow for greater growth and a new supply/demand equilibrium to be met.

5. [ARFC] Add BAL Ethereum v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: BAL is a strategic asset for Aave and has continuously found demand on V2, continuing to support its growth on V3 will allow for increased BAL protocol revenue. We are supportive of its listing on V3 under the parameters recommended by Gauntlet.

6. [ARC] Add Safety module support for Aave V3 Ethereum market
Vote: YAE
Summary: To further encourage migration to V3 it’s important to add safety module coverage. Aave stakers are exposed to more robust risk controls under V3 while providing added security for the protocol. Win-Win.

7. [ARC] Community Risk Preference on Aave V3 Borrow/Supply Caps
Vote: Conservative only for small markets
Summary: As expressed in the forum post, we are in favour of conservative caps for small markets that pose outsize risks relative to their revenue generation. This ensures larger markets are not stifled in growth. Under this general set of cap recommendations that help eliminate risk, we can move forward on individual assets that the community believes are safe enough to allow looser risk controls in exchange for growth.

8. [ARFC] Add CRV to Ethereum v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: Similar to BAL, CRV is a strategic asset for Aave under the aToken implementation and future deployment of GHO. There has been continued demand for CRV and therefore it’s contributed sufficiently to Aave’s revenue. V3 will allow for the addition of CRV under tighter risk controls and we are supportive of the parameters recommended by Gauntlet.

9. [ARFC] MaticX Risk Parameter Interest Rate Polygon v3 Upgrade
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the updated risk parameters for MaticX to better capture the growth of the asset on Aave, especially with the new addition of SD rewards.

10. [ARFC] Freeze BUSD on Aave V2
Vote: YAE
Summary: With the recent SEC order to stop Paxos from minting BUSD, it makes sense to freeze the BUSD market to limit risks until further information is available.

11. Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 Avalanche
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of the risk parameter updates provided by Chaos Labs and the effort to maximize borrow usage while minimizing losses from liquidation and bad debt.

20/2/23 - 26/2/23

1. [ARC] Gauntlet Risk Parameter Updates for Optimism Aave V3 (2023-02-16)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in support of Gauntlet’s recommendations to adjust the liquidation bonuses for both WBTC and sUSD to improve the balance of risk.

2. [ARFC] Avalanche wAVAX Interest Rate Upgrade
Vote: YAE
Summary: These changes offer a safe and profitable environment for recusive strategy users on Aave V3 Avalanche with the increased supply cap. Subsequently, this will allow Aave to capture increased revenue through the wAVAX market

3. Update xSushi price feed on Aave V2
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in support of moving to a more technical and gas-efficient price feed for xSUSHI via Chainlink.

4. Increase Supply Cap for cbETH Aave Ethereum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: cbETH has proven to be a popular asset on Aave as it’s nearing its supply cap. The supply cap of 20k remains conservative and allows for more growth on the platform, as well as increases revenue generation assuming the increase in demand continues.

5. [Temp Check] Deploy Aave v3 on Scroll testnet
Vote: YAE
Summary: Given Scroll’s EVM equivalence and therefore, low deployment costs. We are supportive of an Aave v3 deployment on Scroll’s testnet.

6. [ARC] Gauntlet Interest Rate Curve Recommendations for Aave V3 Markets (Feb 2023)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of Gauntlet’s continued proactiveness to derisking markets across Aave, as well as providing feedback on where certain markets can safely generate greater revenue for the protocol. We are supportive of the changes recommended.

7. [ARC] Gauntlet Risk Parameter Updates for Avalanche Aave V3 (2023-02-16)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of the parameter recommendation for wAVAX given it’s in line with the risk-off framework.

8. Risk Parameter Updates for Aave V3 OP Market (2023-02-16)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of the updated parameters given the change in market activity.

9. [ARFC] Aave V3 Caps update Framework
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of this change and believe it’s rather important to Aave. With Aave now having a strong and proactive risk council, it’s imperative to ensure the protocol stays robust to market-risks in a timely manner.

10. Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - MKR on Aave V2 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We appreciate Chaos Lab’s proactiveness to ensure the protocol remains safe from different attack vectors. Therefore, we are supportive of the proposed changes.

11. ARC Spark Lend Profit Share Proposal
Vote: Entire profit share direct payment in DAI to the Aave Treasury
Summary: We are in favour of the overall partnership and think it’s a great way for Aave to increase its revenue generation. One concern is that this likely becomes a direct competitor to GHO. Lastly, we are in favour of option 1 given no details on how the purchased Aave will be utilized.

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27/2/23 - 6/3/23

1. Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 Arbitrum - 2023.02.20
Vote: YAE
Summary: In favour of Chaos Lab’s recommendations which are projected to increase borrowing by ~ $510k with no increase in VaR and Extreme VaR

2. [ARC]- Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 Ethereum - 2023.02.22
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in support of safely improving the capital efficiency on Aave V3 Ethereum for both USDC & DAI.

3. Rescue Mission Phase 1 Short Executor
Vote: YAE
Summary: In support of the rescue mission!

4. Rescue Mission Phase 1 Long Executor
Vote: YAE
Summary: In support of the rescue mission!

5. [ARFC] Proposal for Deploying “Whitelabel” Aave V3 Market for RealT Tokens on GnosisChain
Vote: YAE
Summary: We largely support this proposal as it increases the DAO’s experience with friendly forks and subsequent discussions around the topic. Given the low TVL of their V2 implementation, we don’t see potential revenue collection as a large motivating factor for supporting this proposal. Moving forward, it’s important to have a framework that ensures such friendly forks do not take away from Aave’s growth.

6. Supply and Borrow Cap Updates - Aave V3 Avalanche
Vote: Aggressive
Summary: We are in favour of all alt-market recommendations. As explained in our previous vote, we are also happy to support high-quality assets with aggressive parameter recommendations.

6/3/23 - 12/3/23

1. [ARFC] BUSD Offboarding Plan
Vote: YAE
Summary: Building off our previous vote to freeze the BUSD market, we are supportive of this offboarding plan and the proposed parameter changes.

2. [ARFC] Activate emode for cbETH Aave Ethereum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: cbETH has continued to show an increase in demand across Aave. Its peg seems to be in a healthy state, therefore, under the guidance of the risk teams we support emode activation for cbETH.

3. Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 Optimism - 2023.02.28
Vote: YAE
Summary: Allowing for greater capital efficiency with no change to VaR is a win-win. We are supportive of the new LTV and LT parameters recommended by Chaos Labs.

4. Increase supply cap for wstETH Aave Arbitrum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the increase in supply cap under the recommendations of both risk teams.

5. [TEMP CHECK] - Whitelist Hashflow Wormhole For V3 Portals
Vote: YAE
Summary: Given the Hashflow/Wormhole infrastructure combination has been live and working great for a considerable period of time, we are in support of this proposal! The no-slippage benefit of utilizing an RFQ model over an AMM is a big plus for UX on Aave; the 3bp fee is fair and the 50% revenue split is a nice way to align incentives.

6. stMatic SupplyCap Increase Polygon v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: In support of increasing the supply cap given its 100% utilisation. The proposed supply cap falls within the recommended parameter methodology described by both Chaos Labs and Gauntlet.

7. Risk Parameter Updates for MKR - Aave V2 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: The proposed parameters reduce the risk of attack vectors with 0 costs from user liquidations. We are supportive of this proposal.

8. [AFRC] Add LUSD to Optimism V3 Market
Vote: YAE
Summary: LUSD has remained robust in chaotic times and we are typically supportive of diversified stablecoin exposure on Aave. We are supportive of this proposal under the specified risk parameters.

9. GHST Polygon V3 Soft Freeze
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of enacting a soft freeze given the risk profile of GHST has changed due to its bonding curve being discontinued. We look forward to hearing the opinions of risk providers in regard to resuming the market in the future.

10. [ARFC] Add MKR to Ethereum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of adding MKR to Eth V3 under the proposed risk parameters. Given it was listed on V2, this will help encourage migration to V3 which has more robust risk measures.

11. [ARFC] Onboard AgEUR to Aave Optimism V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in favour of listing AgEUR as a non-collateral asset. Note: this vote was done prior to the Euler Finance exploit which Angle was exposed to. Given this is a Snapshot, we think it’s important to hold off on the on-chain vote until there is clarity on the collateralization of AgEUR and the protocol is unpaused.

Disclaimer: Wintermute is an investor in Angle.

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13/3/23 - 19/3/23

1. [ARFC] Migrate & Consolidate Polygon Treasury
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the consolidation of V2 Polygon assets and it migration to V3 where the assets can subsequently be redeposited under safer risk controls.

2. [ARFC] Deploy BAL & aBAL from the Collector Contract
Vote: YAE - Locking veBAL
Summary: BAL has been a strategic asset for a long time in the build-up to GHO. We believe locking BAL into veBAL strategically aligns best with the intent to grow GHO through directed emissions.

3. [ARFC] Extend Safety Module Coverage to Polygon v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: An important part of Aave’s longevity is the ability to migrate users to V3 such that the protocol and users are better protected under V3’s risk controls. By extending the safety module to cover Polygon V3, users will have greater peace of mind and it will hopefully encourage migration.

4. [ARFC] Onboard AgEUR to Aave Arbitrum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in favour of listing AgEUR as a non-collateral asset. Note: this vote was done prior to the Euler Finance exploit which Angle was exposed to. Given this is a Snapshot, we think it’s important to hold off on the on-chain vote until there is clarity on the collateralization of AgEUR and the protocol is unpaused.

Disclaimer: Wintermute is an investor in Angle.

5. [ARC] Platypus Finance Rescue Mission
Vote: YAY
Summary: We are always super supportive of efforts to help out other protocols in the ecosystem! We hope that this ARC ends in a successful recovery of Platypus’ exploited funds.

6. Safety Module upgrade to v1.5
Vote: YES
Summary: Both the slashing and cooldown mechanisms provide simple and robust improvements to the current Safety Module without significantly altering the state of the Safety Module for stakers. We believe this is a solid improvement.

8. Disable agEUR borrows on Aave v3 Polygon
Vote: YAE
Summary: In support given the Euler finance hack and uncertainty regarding the collateralization of agEUR. Protecting the protocol is paramount.

9. OP Emission_Admin for Optimism v3 Liquidity Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: Llama’s efforts in allowing emission admin access to trusted parties have proven to have a significant effect on the protocol’s TVL (specifically for MaticX). We are supportive of similar efforts such as this one.

10. Supply and Borrow Caps Update - LUSD - v3 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: In support, it’s nice to see Aave continue it’s appetite for greater stablecoin diversity under guidance from the protocol’s risk providers.

20/3/23 - 26/3/23

1. Deploy Aave V3 to Metis Andromeda Mainnet
Vote: YAE
Summary: Our discussions with the Metis team have been very constructive and informative. A lot of the concerns raised by the community were addressed thoroughly with concrete information where we feel comfortable supporting the deployment of Aave V3 to Metis. We are conscious of the lack of TVL specifically on DEXs, but it’s great to see Aave’s risk teams supportive of the deployment with appropriate risk parameters. Overall, we believe this proposal will be a net positive for Aave and we look forward to watching its growth on Metis.

2. [TEMP CHECK] Aave Governance Process Improvements
Vote: YAE
Summary: The StableLab team have done a great job at simplifying and clarifying Aave’s governance process. This proposal is a great step toward improving governance efficiency and we are in full support.

3. Supply/Borrow Cap Updates V3 Polygon and Arbitrum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in support of Chaos Labs’ increased parameter recommendations for wstETH, MAI, and stMATIC. Such increases allow for greater supply and borrow activity on cheap platforms that better serve the interest of Aave’s revenue generation.

4. AAVE on Harmony Recovery Plan
Vote: No
Summary: The proposed AAVE Harmony Recovery Plan has very little substance and uses mechanisms that are not in the best interest of the DAO.

5. [ARC] Gauntlet Risk Parameter Recommendations for V3 AVAX (2023-03-20)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in support of the recommended reduction in supply and borrow caps for the assets listed. While these are notable reductions, it’s important to ensure the protocol remains responsive and robust to changes in market conditions.

6. [ARC] Isolation Mode Recommendations for Aave V3 Avalanche, Polygon, and Arbitrum
Vote: Aggressive
Summary: Given Isolation mode already provides increased protection on the application level against certain collateral types, coupled with the fact that the difference between the conservative and aggressive recommendations is small. We are opting for aggressive risk parameters. We believe the aggressive risk parameters provide better UX and potential revenue generation for the protocol with minimal difference in the risk profile in comparison to the conservative recommendation.

7. Risk Parameter Updates for Aave V3 ETH Market (2023-03-18)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are in support of increasing the borrow caps for wstETH and rETH under the recommendation of Gauntlet.

27/3/23 - 2/4/23

1. Freeze DPI on V2 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the freezing of DPI on v2 ETH considering its low market cap and trading volumes. Moving to V3 under safer parameters keeps DPI in the Aave ecosystem but under manageable risk vectors.

2. [ARFC - Temp check] “MVP” V3 deployment on ZkEVM mainnet
Vote: YAE
Summary: Continuing Aave’s expansion to cheaper alternative chains is important for its user base reach and overall revenue generation. Polygon has shown to attract a vibrant and successful DeFi ecosystem and we do not doubt that this won’t occur on their zkEVM.

3. [TEMP CHECK] Add support for wstETH on Polygon v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are always in support of expanding Aave’s offering of LSTs across cheaper gas venues!

4. [ARFC] Add LDO to Ethereum Aave v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the listing of LDO under the recommended risk parameters. While it historically hasn’t seen much activity, they are currently exploring additional use cases for LDO.

5. [ARFC] Deploy aCRV & CRV to veCRV
Vote: YAE - veCRV
Summary: veCRV provides the lowest risk, direct control of CRV emissions and governance control. While yield might be higher on veCRV derivatives, they invite a lot more counterparty risk and ultimately deter users from depositing their CRV LP collateral into Aave. Given the boost is applied on their own platform where CRV LPs stake their collateral token, this becomes direct competition to attract CRV LPs to deposit their collateral into Aave and mint GHO or take out a loan with various other assets.

6. [ARC] Community Preference for V3 Migration Levers
Vote & Summary:

  • No stkAave incentives
  • No decrease V2 LT/LTV
  • No disable V2 borrowing
  • Yes increase V2 RF

Our thoughts:

  • Continue to add asset listings to V3 with better LTV & LTs if risks permit it.
  • Continue to address LTV & LTs on V2 ensuring the protocol stays safe.

Over time, the continued addition of new assets with greater capital efficiency should encourage new users & (hopefully) old users to migrate, without hurting V2.

We don’t have a strong opinion towards which option is preferred as it comes down to the community’s preference for how aggressively they want to migrate users and whether or not they intend to deprecate V2 markets.

From our POV, V2 seems to be in a relatively safe position with the efforts of the community and risk providers. V2 continues to be a large source of income for Aave and an aggressive migration might cause Aave to lose some of its TVL. Therefore, we don’t see the need to aggressively migrate users and protocols to V3.

Some thoughts on the levers:


  • Monetary incentive to migrate is likely strong, however, it ensures no stickiness.
  • Do we expect to recoup 23,100 AAVE in revenue in a reasonable time frame on V3?

LTV & LTs:

  • Invasive and potentially leads to bad user experience under unnecessary forced liquidations, however, clearly results in V3 being more capital efficient.
  • Forces users to make decisions about managing their HF, exiting, or migrating
  • After migration plan: V2 remains useable under safer risk parameters (great for SM)

Disable borrowing:

  • Potentially forces new borrowers to V3 but cuts off potential revenue for V2.
  • It also doesn’t directly incentivize users to exit their current position unless utilisation increases.
  • After migration plan: V2 becomes limited in market offerings.


  • Pretty invasive yet not as forceful as LTV/LTs as it directly makes V3 supply rates more attractive and incentivizes borrowers to pay back their positions on V2 given higher utilisation.
  • This could effectively kill V2 markets if not reverted over time, therefore, cutting off revenue.

Supply/Borrow Caps:

  • Agree that there is no need to increase V3 protocol risk for the sake of migration.

7. [TEMP CHECK] Aave Chan Initiative 6-Month Budget Proposal
Vote: YAE
Summary: Marc/ACI as a ‘delegate’ has shown unwavering output with the diversity and number of proposals that have successfully passed Aave governance. The formal transition from a delegate to a service provider within the DAO is very organic and welcoming.

The outlined scope fits nicely with the pending launch of GHO which we believe will become a significant focus point for the DAO, so having ACI actively covering this area (mostly on the collateral side) will be of great benefit.

8. [TEMP CHECK] Polygon v2 to v3 Liquidity Migration
Vote: No
Summary: We are not in favour of forcefully creating an adverse environment for the sake of migration. Focusing on V3 market offerings, exogenous incentives, and greater capital efficiency, should be enough to migrate users over time.

9. [ARC] E-Mode Parameter Changes for V3 Avalanche, Optimism, Polygon, and Arbitrum
Vote: Option 1A
Summary: This vote was a decision between firstly deciding which stablecoin assets should be available in e-mode and secondly, the relevant risk parameters that the selected assets should adhere to. Firstly, we chose to include all stablecoin assets in e-mode as it provides higher utility to users who are looking to utilize Aave to perform stablecoin-stablecoin trading strategies. By only keeping DAI, FRAX and USDC, which are correlated. There is not much use case other than arbing interest rates. Secondly, Option 1A (Chaos Labs) as opposed to Option 1 (Gauntlet) provides more conservative yet less capital-efficient risk parameters. This rationale is derived from wanting to protect users from taking unnecessary risks and allowing them enough time to react to their positions in e-mode. While Gauntlet’s methodology was largely focused on reducing the risk of bad debt. We do not have a strong opinion as to which implementation is best, however, choosing Option 1A allows room to increase parameters after establishing a safer environment for users.

10. [ARFC] - Configure Isolation Mode Borrowable Assets - V3 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: Given isolation mode is usually enabled on highly volatile assets or assets that carry outsized risk, it makes sense to list stablecoins as borrowable assets in insolation mode. Stablecoins are low-volatility and relatively safe assets, ultimately this will help protect the protocol in times of high volatility for the collateral asset.

11. [ARFC] - Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 Optimism - 2023.03.22
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of the new risk parameters due to changing market conditions.

12. [TEMP CHECK] Aave V3 deployment on BNB Chain
Vote: YAE
Summary: BNB Chain has an active and wide user group that could be extremely beneficial to Aave. We support the deployment, and while CAKE wasn’t listed in the initial proposal, we hope to see it added in the future as we believe it’s Syrup Pools provide a good opportunity for borrowing demand on Aave.

13. Risk Parameter Updates for Aave V3 ETH and V3 Arbitrum (2023-03-27)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the recommended risk parameters.

14. Increase supply cap for cbETH Aave Ethereum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the increase in supply cap for cbETH under the guidance of Chaos Labs.

3/4/23 - 9/4/23

1. [ARFC] Add DeFi Saver to flashBorrowers on Aave V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: In full support of eliminating entry costs for users on DeFi Saver who have continuously shown to be good actors in the space with a large user base.

2. [TEMP CHECK] - Aave DAO’s $ARB Airdrop Allocation
Vote: Do LM Program
Summary: Arbitrum’s DAO allocation was intended to empower DAOs to allocate ARB to user groups where the native DAO has a better understanding of such users, with an end goal of spreading governance voting power.

“The hope and intention is that by distributing to Arbitrum DAOs, we’re able to spread governance power more widely amongst users than solely allocating to those who were eligible for the airdrop.”

Option 1 introduces friction into the voting process as Aave would now be participating in meta-governance with their ARB tokens and ARB voting is not directly in control of the users.

Option 3 directly goes against this effort as selling ARB to improve Aave’s treasury does not further empower individuals of sub-communities with voting power.

Option 4 is a mix of options 1 and 3 and therefore doesn’t make sense.

Therefore, we vote for Option 2 as the best case for achieving Arbitrum’s vision. LM efforts are a win for both Aave and Arbitrum while directly putting ARB in the hands of users.

3. Risk Parameter Updates for Aave V2 AMM Market (2023-03-31)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the risk parameters provided by the risk teams.

4. [TEMP CHECK] Incentivized Delegate Campaign (3-month)
Vote: StableLab, FranklinDAO, Flipside Crypto, TokenLogic (equal parts)
Summary: During our time as an Aave delegate StableLab, FranklinDAO, Flipside Crypto, and TokenLogic (specifically Matthew) have all been active contributors to the DAO and therefore we believe they deserve to be selected for the incentivized delegate campaign.

5. [TEMP CHECK] - GHO Facilitator Onboarding Process and Application
Vote: YAE
Summary: Khan and Oneski22 have provided a thoughtful and effective template for onboarding GHO facilitators. While the landscape is relatively unknown thus far, we appreciate the proactiveness and belive it is a great first step towards onboarding GHO facilitators.

6. Add UNI, MKR, SNX & BAL to Ethereum v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the increased asset listing on ETH V3 as it will increase UX and help migration from V2.

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10/4/23 - 16/4/23

1. [ARFC] Align AAVE Risk Parameters on Aave V3 Ethereum Market with Aave V2
Vote: YAE
Summary: Given our discussions around V2 → V3 migration, we were supportive of efforts that made V3 more capital efficient than V2. This is one of the first steps to achieving this and should have a positive impact on migrations.

2. Risk Stewards Phase 1: CapsPlusSteward
Vote: YES 100% max increase per 5 days
Summary: Given there is already a large trust given to our Risk Council, having a max cap of 100% will allow for a greater degree of freedom especially for assets that have a tiny cap, to begin with. Ultimately, this will allow the Risk Council to move much faster and the need for multiple discussions around increased caps.

3. [TEMP CHECK] Aave V3 Deployment on zkSync Era Mainnet
Vote: YAE
Summary: The ecosystem has seen a significant level of growth for zk chains which Aave can benefit from. Given the DAO has already approved the development and deployment on zkSync’s V2 testnet, it makes sense to continue with a Mainnet deployment.

4. [TEMP CHECK] - Whitelist Stargate for V3 Portals
Vote: YAE
Summary: Stargate is a reputable bridging service and will be a great addition to Aave’s V3 Portals. We support their whitelisting and look forward to their integration.

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24/4/23 - 30/4/23

1. [TEMP CHECK] - Community Preference for Supply Cap Limits for LSTs
Vote: Limit supply cap to 50% of on-chain circulating supply
Summary: We support an increase in Supply Cap Limits for LSTs on Aave but are currently conservative about what percentage of their supply can be on the platform.

2. [ARFC] Deprecate Aave V2 AMM Market
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the deprecation of the Aave v2 AMM market.

3. [TEMP CHECK] Gas Fee Rebate for On-Chain Votes
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the current proposal, but also think it’s worth considering alternative mechanisms like using the submitVoteBySignature().

4. [ARFC] Private Voting for Aave Governance [2-month Trial]
Vote: YAE
Summary: We see the need to experiment with new governance primitives, and we hope that increasing voting privacy will lead to more active discussions on the forum.

5. Risk Parameter Updates for Aave V3 Polygon (2023-04-21)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the recommended risk parameters.

6. Upgrade Aave V3 pools to Aave V3.0.2
Vote: YAE
Summary: Consistency is the key.

7. [ARFC] MaticX Supply Cap Increase Polygon v3
Vote: Option 2 - YAE 19.6M Supply Cap
Summary: Please read our summary for the 1st proposal.

8. WAVAX Borrow Cap Update - V3 Avalanche - 04.21.2023
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the recommended borrow cap.

9. [ARFC] - Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - Aave V3 Polygon - 2023.04.23
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the recommended risk parameters.

10. [ARFC] Aave V2 Interest Rate Curve Changes (2023-04-21)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the recommended risk parameters.

11. [TEMP CHECK] Aave V3 GHO Genesis Parameters
Vote: Option A
Summary: We support a more aggressive version of the proposed parameters because the launch of crvUSD is also very close.

1/5/23 - 7/5/23

1. Upgrade Aave V3 pools to Aave V3.0.2
Vote: YAE
Summary: As we said previously, consistency is the key.

2. Aave Metis V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: Deployment to other networks is an important part of Aave’s expansion, we support it.

3. Upgrade the safety module to v1.5 PART 1
Vote: YAE
Summary: BGD Labs has done solid work to improve the safety module, which is also necessary to comply with the GHO specification.

4. [ARFC] Polygon v2 - Parameter Update
Vote: Option 2 - Conservative
Summary: There is no need to rush the migration. Besides, some projects may use v2 for their existence.

5. [ARFC] Modify Snapshot Proposal Threshold
Vote: YAE
Summary: Although this proposal may reduce the number of new proposals, most of them are still created by delegates.

6. Aave Bug Bounty Program on Immunefi
Vote: For
Summary: Such a critical protocol needs to be present at Immunefi, we support this proposal.

7. [TEMP CHECK] Allocation of 300k OP Received by Aave Grants DAO
Vote: YAE
Summary: AGD can create even more innovations for the Aave ecosystem, so it has a lot of sense to use OP for this goal too.

8. [ARFC] Aave V3 Interest Rate Curve Changes (2023-04-27)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed rate curve recommendations.

9. [ARFC] Liquid Staking Token E-Mode Configuration for Aave V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed rate curve recommendations.

1. [ARFC] - GHO Facilitator Onboarding Process and Application
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support this approach to launching GHO and hope to see interesting facilitator applications.

2. [ARFC] E-Mode Specific Supply and Borrow Caps
Vote: Add EM Specific Caps
Summary: Allowing for EM specific caps granually enhances risk controls for various LSDs. This could lead to great EM asset diversity and improve utilization.

3. [TEMP CHECK] Safety Module Update Part I - Migrate AAVE/wETH
Vote: YAE - 80/20 AAVE/WETH
Summary: We acknowledge the advantages to pairing AAVE with wstETH, however, considering the significance of the role the Safety Module plays in the Aave ecosystem. We believe that ensuring the safety module is as robust as it can be is super important and therefore reducing counterparty risk is a top priority.

4. Add LUSD to Arbitrum V3
Vote: YAE
Summary: LUSD improves Aave’s stablecoin diversity and is already listed across multiple deployments.

5. Add rETH to Aave V3 Arbitrum Liquidity Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: rETH has seen continued growth and success with a successful listing on Aave V3 ETH. It’s likely it will be a nice revenue driver for Aave.

6. Consolidate Collector Contract & Secure Service Provider Runway
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the consolidation of the listed assets into USDC to ensure the protocol has sufficient capital to pay for service providers.

7. Acquire BB-A-USD and deposit 50% into both Balancer and Aura Finance
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support this initiative to actively earn yield on Aave’s treasury assets, specifically for strategic assets (BAL & AURA).

8. [TEMP CHECK] - Add support for RPL on Ethereum v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: Assuming RPL’s chainlink oracle will be live soon we support the addition of RPL on Ethereum V3. It’ll be interesting to see if Rocketpool NOs borrow RPL to fund their minipools.

9. [TEMP CHECK] - Add support for fUSDC on Ethereum v3 Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: fUSDC is a great addition to Aave and injects yield outside of the crypto ecosystem. We look forward to seeing user activity.

10. [ARFC] Activate emode for rETH Aave Ethereum V3 Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the listing of rETH under emode. This once again opens up further trading strategies for users.

11. [ARFC] BUSD Offboarding Plan Part II
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the next initiative to further encourage sticky borrowers of BUSD to close out their positions to reduce the risk of bad debt.

12. [ARFC] Add 1INCH to Aave V3 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of encouraging migration from V2 to V3.

13. [ARFC] Add ENS to Aave V3 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of encouraging migration from V2 to V3.

14. [TEMP CHECK] FlashMinter Facilitator Approval
Vote: FOR
Summary: We are supportive of introducing a GHO Flashminting Facilitator and believe it will play an important role in stabilising GHO’s peg early on.

15. [ARC] Framework For Recognized Delegates
Vote: YAE
Summary: Fig/Flipside Crypto has outlined a clear and effective process for becoming a recognised delegate on Aave. We are in support of the proposed framework and look forward to its enactment.

16. [ARC] Delegate Code Of Conduct
Vote: Good Faith/Integrity, Best interest, Due Care and Attention, Communication, Conflicts of Interest
Summary: All key codes of conduct outlined above is what we feel strongly about and what we believe are super important to cultivate a strong delegate program within a DAO.

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1. [ARFC] Polygon Supply Cap Update 23.05.2023
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the increase in supply cap given the high level of demand.

2. [ARFC] Optimism v3 Supply Cap Update
Vote: YAE - Chaos Labs (21,000 units)
Summary: We support the supply cap increase for wstETH on Aave Optimism V3.

3. [ARFC] Optimism Create ETH E-Mode
Summary: We support the creation of ETH E-mode on Optimism, under the guidance of both Gauntlet and Chaos Labs.

4. [TEMP CHECK] Safety Module Upgrade Part II - Asset Diversity, SM Categories & Slashing Updates
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed changes and believe in conjunction they positively improve the robustness of Aave’s Staking Module. All 3 asset tiers allow for a wide range of user preferences and accept high-quality assets.

5. [TEMP CHECK] Safety Module Upgrade Part III - Enable gauges on BPT in Safety Module (smBPT)
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are generally supportive of this proposal, however, it does begin to introduce a lot of counterparty risk to the SM which in our opinion should be minimized as much as possible. Once the integration is complete, it will be important to monitor this distribution of assets in the SM and discuss if the concentration of an approved asset/group of assets becomes too large.

6. [ARFC] Add fUSDC to Ethereum v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: fUSDC is a great addition to Aave and injects yield outside of the crypto ecosystem. We look forward to seeing user activity.

1. [TEMP CHECK] Aave V3 Deployment on Base
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of Aave’s multichain expansion to Base with the initial asset list. We expect Base to allow Aave to continue accessing new user groups ultimately increasing the protocol’s adoption.

2. [ARFC] Add ARB to Arbitrum Aave v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the listing of ARB on Arbitrum Aave V3

3. [ARFC] Polygon v3 Supply Cap Update 2023.05.21
Vote: YAE - 40M units Chaos Labs
Summary: We support the more aggressive supply cap update given the quality of the asset and its ability to be redeemed within a reasonable amount of time.

4. [ARFC] Add GUSD to Aave V3 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the efforts of V2 → V3 migration and therefore the listing of GUSD.

5. [ARFC] Add USDP to Aave V3 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the efforts of V2 → V3 migration and therefore the listing of USDP.

1. [TEMP CHECK] Pyth to Support AAVE on Optimism as a Secondary Oracle
Vote: YAE
Summary: We are supportive of this proposal and believe having Pyth as a fallback oracle positively improves the robustness of Aave through higher resilience and decentralization. Wintermute has been working with Pyth as a data provider for a while now and can attest to the professionalism of the team and the amazing product they have built.

2. [TEMP CHECK] Aave v3 MVP deployment on Scroll mainnet
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support Aave’s multichain vision and believe deploying on Scroll will benefit both protocols.

3. [ARFC] Add FRAX to Ethereum Aave v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: FRAX is already listed on V2, therefore, we support its listing on V3 and we will continue to support efforts that migrate users to V3.

4. [TEMP CHECK] Add GMX to Arbitrum v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the listing of GMX under the proposed parameters.

5. [ARFC] Add FRAX Arbitrum Aave v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: FRAX is already listed on V2, therefore, we support its listing on V3 and we will continue to support efforts that migrate users to V3.

6. [ARFC] Add native USDC to the Arbitrum V3 pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the listing of native USDC on Arbitrum V3.

7. [TEMP CHECK] GHO Liquidity Pools
Vote: YAE
Summary: The initial set of primary and secondary liquidity pools strategically make sense for the DAO and provide several options for LPs looking to provide liquidity for GHO.

8. [TEMP CHECK] Aave | Flipside Proposal
Vote: YAE
Summary: Flipside have been an active and value-adding contributor to Aave for a substantial amount of time. We believe, for the most part, their outlined scope of work will provide value by improving governance efficiency. However, we believe that narrowing their scope to focus their efforts around revenue-driving and growth initiative will be most beneficial for the DAO.

9. [ARFC] - Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - CRV Aave V2 Ethereum - 2023.06.15
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed changes to CRV LTV and LT parameters as they minimise liquidations and reduce the protocol’s chance of bad debt.

10. Treasury Management - Acquire B-80BAL-20WETH
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support this acquisition and look forward to finally utilising our veBAL for the launch of GHO and changes to the SM.

11. Polygon v2 - Parameter Update
Vote: Option 2 - Conservative
Summary: We support the migration from V2 → V3 and believe Option 2 can help encourage migration without being too invasive to existing users.

13. [ARFC] Gauntlet Recommendation on TUSD for Aave v2 Ethereum
Vote: Option 1 & 2
Summary: We support both lowering the LT and LTV of TUSD as well as freezing its supply. LT & LTV reduction reduces the amount of debt supported by TUSD collateral, and freezing the supply will immediately limit the protocol’s exposure in case of insolvency.

14. Chaos Labs V2 to V3 Migration Next Steps
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the freezing of the assets specified in the proposal given they’re listed on Aave V3 ETH. We understand that this has a large impact on UX on V2 and Aave might potentially lose revenue, however, we believe it is important to prevent another CRV-like situation.

15. [ARFC] USDT Risk Parameters Update Aave V3 ETH Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: As USDT’s market cap continues to rise and show resilience despite multiple adverse events, we believe it is fair to update its parameters in line with USDC.

16. [ARFC] Chaos Labs - Incremental Reserve Factor Updates - Aave V2 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support V2 → V3 migration through RF increases as it provides a less invasive approach for existing users.

17. [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Update - CRV Aave V3 Polygon - 2023.06.20
Vote: YAE
Summary: We agree that the obvious lack of liquidity for CRV is concerning and support proactive measures to protect the protocol.

18. [TEMP CHECK] Integrating MakerDAO’s DSR into Aave V3 Ethereum Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: This is a great addition to Aave and provides room for novel looping strategies with other stablecoins, specifically, GHO when it launches.

19. [TEMP CHECK] GHO Stewards: Agile Parameter Changes
Vote: YAE
Summary: Ensuring stability is crucial for the initial stages of GHO’s launch and we believe Aave’s Risk Providers are well suited for the role.

20. Freeze TUSD Reserve on Aave V2 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the freezing of TUSD to limit the protocol’s exposure to potential insolvency and bad debt.

21. Lower TUSD LT and LTV on Aave V2
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the reduction in LT and LTV parameters for TUSD.

22. Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - CRV Aave V2 Ethereum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed changes to CRV LTV and LT parameters as they minimise liquidations and reduce the protocol’s chance of bad debt.

23. [TEMP CHECK] Allocating part of GHO Revenue to Safety Incentives
Vote: YAE
Summary: We agree that reducing Aave’s reliance on native rewards to service the protocol is super important for its sustainability.

We support the 80/20 split and assuming Aave V3 Ethereum Pool Facilitator gets filled rather quickly (ignoring stkAAVE discounts) this is ~$300k GHO a year towards SM incentives which is a great start.

In the future, it would be interesting to explore different GHO splitter parameters including something dynamic like Lido’s Insurance <> Treasury split. For example, if Aave’s Treasury is above a certain threshold (determined by governance) the SM gets an increased % of GHO rewards to further reduce AAVE incentives.

24. [ARFC] Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Updates - FEI on Aave V2 Ethereum - 2023.6.22
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proactive measure to reduce Aave’s exposure to FEI.

25. [ARFC] Gas Rebate for Recognized Delegates
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the Gas Rebate Initiative for recognized delegates. Not only does it continue to incentivize participation during high gas prices, but reduces friction that may occur for new delegate platforms looking to participate in the DAO.

26. [ARFC] Aave Robot v1 activation
Vote: YAE
Summary: Much needed addition to Aave’s governance architecture.

27. [ARFC] Framework for ARFC and TEMP CHECK Proposals
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed framework, template, and voting requirements.

28. Treasury Management - Acquire wstETH & rETH
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support increasing the DAO’s revenue capture through the acquisition of wstETH & rETH.

29. Chaos Labs Risk Parameter Update - CRV Aave V3 Polygon
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed changes to CRV LTV and LT parameters as they minimise liquidations and reduce the protocol’s chance of bad debt.

30. Chaos Labs - Increase wstETH Supply Cap on V3 Arbitrum
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the increase in wstETH supply cap under the guidance of Chaos Labs.

31. Treasury Management - Acquire B-80BAL-20WETH
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support this acquisition and look forward to finally utilising our veBAL for the launch of GHO and changes to the SM.

32. [ARFC] Gauntlet Risk Parameter Updates for Ethereum v3, Arbitrum v3, Ethereum v2
Vote: NAE
Summary: We do not support the voting structure given that the AIP to set CRV LTV to 0 failed to pass. Given it’s a contentious point it shouldn’t be included with multiple changes under the same vote.

33. [ARFC] Add rETH Aave v3 Optimism
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the listing of rETH on Aave V3 Optimism as it continues Aave’s product offering of access to LST on cheaper gas chains.

34. [TEMP CHECK] Aave V3 Deployment on Linea Testnet
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support Aave’s multichain growth and believe Aave’s deployment on Linea will be successful given the ecosystem ConsenSys has built around it.

35. [TEMP CHECK] Safety Module Upgrade Part IV - Incentives Management Upgrade
Vote: YAE
Summary: While there is a significant amount of estimation in this proposal, overall, we believe the direction is correct and we look forward to seeing it in action.

36. [TEMP CHECK] Safety Module Upgrade Part V - veToken Holding
Vote: YAE
Summary: While this could potentially be fully automated and decentralized in the future, having a committee initially to drive growth optimally is a great idea.

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1. [ARFC] Set Metis Foundation Wallet as Emission Manager for METIS Token on Aave V3 Metis Pool
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support exogenous rewards to drive TVL growth on Aave.

2. [ARFC] Aave Governance v3 (Governance, a.DI, Robot v3)
Vote: YAE
Summary: Aave V3 will be a significant change for Aave’s governance architecture allowing cross-chain capability. We support this proposal and any dependencies connected to the development of Aave V3 governance.

3. [ARFC] Gauntlet Risk Parameter Updates for Ethereum v3, Arbitrum v3, Ethereum v2
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed updates for risk parameters.

4. GHO Mainnet Launch
Vote: YAE
Summary: This is a monumental moment for Aave and we look for to the launch of GHO!

5. [TEMP CHECK] Treasury Management - Introducing StrategicAssetManager
Vote: YAE
Summary: To ensure our strategic investments in balancer are managed effectively we support the addition of the StrategicAssetManager.

6. [ARFC] Aave V3 Deployment on BNB Chain
Vote: YAE
Summary: As stated in the TEMP CHECK we support Aave’s V3 deployment on BNB chain with the proposed assets and risk parameters. We believe this deployment will open up Aave to a whole new set of users and communities.

7. [ARFC] GHO Steward: Agile Parameter Changes
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the proposed parameters for the GHO Steward and believe it successfully achieves a quick and lean process to adjust parameters for GHO.

8. Gauntlet Cap Updates for Ethereum, Optimism Aave v3
Vote: YAE
Summary: We support the reduction in supply caps due to a decrease in liquidity for the proposed markets.

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Introducing WinterGov - A delegate’s tool for governance.

WinterGov is a Dune dashboard that allows anyone to keep track of live proposals they have not yet voted for. For delegates, it’s a great tool to make sure they’re not missing votes and therefore, maintaining a high participation rate.

Simply enter your address, click run, and the dashboard will load all live proposals that require voting and tell you how much time you have left.

Click on the proposal ID and you’ll be taken to the voting page.

It’ll also show your current delegated voting power on the RHS.

The dashboard also displays your recent voting activity along with their outcomes, and voting turnout.


You can also track your on-chain voting participation rate from the beginning of the DAO and from when you began voting.

The rolling 6-month on-chain participation rate is useful to track your recent performance and identify DAOs where you need to pay more attention to.

Lastly, you can view a list of your delegators and the amount of voting power they have delegated along with your overall distribution of delegated voting power.

WinterGov currently supports Aave, dYdX, Compound, Uniswap, ENS, and Gitcoin!